Thursday, August 03, 2006


Both Steve and myself wanted to fly but we didn't want to be out all day this time. I looked at the Northern half mil map looking for somewhere to go no more than 1 hour away with a suitable runway and refreshment facilities.

We've been to most of the usual places such as Sheffield, Sleap, Welshpool, Shobdon etc. so where to try? Eventually I chose Nottingham Tollerton Airfield which looked to be about 40 minutes flying time from our base at Barton.

We took off and headed for Warrington before heading out towards the Trent VOR and then on directly to Nottingham. We obtained a flight information service from a very nicely spoken and helpful air traffic control lady at East Midlands Airport who assisted us in locating the M1 motorway!

We joined the ciruit overhead and positioned to join runway 27 with a left hand pattern, landing exactly 40 minutes after leaving Barton. One of my better landings I must add.

We taxied in and parked next to one of the Truman Aviation Tomahaks, the same type I did my basic training on in 19**! Facing us was the clubhouse and control tower. We jumped out to book in and get a coffee before enjoying the sunshine for a while.

Don't know what type of aircraft this is above but we watched it fly and then it was time to be off. Steve flew the leg home which retraced our course outbound for an uneventful return home. Barton does appear to be quieter than it used to be. We arrived back with only one other aircraft on frequency and joined downwind for 27 Right.

A nice trip out then and it keeps the hours building nicely. I'm doing well this year so far and there is the prospect of another trip to France maybe in August.

HALC soaks up some rays on the apron at Nottingham


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