Friday, December 03, 2010

Twinstar and Cirrus (Same Day)

My friend Steve has a lapsed multi rating and IMC which he wishes to renew. To that end he has joined the same flying group at Blackpool that I belong to, opening up the prospect of shared trips next year.

I like to continue flying through the winter, although not as often due to the generally poor weather. So, today my plan was to fly the Twinstar and Cirrus to keep my hand in. I invited Steve along to renew his acquaintance with both aircraft.

We arranged to meet at Blackpool for a midday flight in the twin followed by a quick trip in the Cirrus. I went to pre flight the Twinstar and all was well except for layers of frost on the wings, tail plane and nose sections. The temperature was around freezing and there was no de- icing fluid left! Nothing else to do but start removing the ice by hand! Thanks to Daniel,who was on hand to help, we got the plane ready to fly in 40 minutes or so.

A departure on runway 10 and a left turn out saw us climbing strongly up to 5000 feet where I handed control over to Steve to have a play. He did some turns and then set us up to descend to 3000 feet as we tracked eastward towards Clitheroe. Having failed to attract the attention of Steve’s wife, who was shopping in Sainsbury’s, we flew on toward Blackpool, passing over his house on the way. I took over control near Fleetwood and positioned us to join left base for runway 10. There was a bit of a crosswind but the plane handled it fine as we landed and began a long taxi back to the hangers. Step one completed.

A coffee and tuna sandwich filled a gap before we set off for a quickie up to Fleetwood and back in the Cirrus SR20 G3 GTS. Now this felt good! I like the Cirrus and was soon guiding it up to 4000 feet heading for Fleetwood. Steve wrestled control from me and had a play before heading us back towards Blackpool. However, we were above scattered clouds and still above 3000 feet approaching the extended centreline for runway 10. I forced his hands from the controls and completed a descending orbit before establishing on final, slowing down to below 119 kts for first stage flap extension and then to 75kts for a gentle crosswind landing. Very nice indeed.

So, mission accomplished. I’m current on Diamond DA42 Twinstar, Cirrus SR20 G3 GTS and Cessna C172SP. Now, don’t I own a share in a plane of my own? Oh yes, the Arrow. Three down and one to go.

Cirrus SR20 G3 GTS and Diamond DA42 Twinstar


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