Saturday, July 05, 2014

Flying Update

A quick update on recent flying activity after a rather long period with no posts.

After returning from Jersey in the SR22, I got checked out on a brand new DA40NG at Gamston in mid November 2013, and a week later flew it down to Northampton with a friend. This aircraft had only 15 hours on the clock so it was lovely to fly something brand new. It did not disappoint, performing very nicely on both legs of the flight.

Brand new DA40NG at Gamston -November 2013

Early January 2014 I travelled over to Leeds airport to fly a Diesel powered Warrior. Not having flown out of Leeds before made the proposition of this flight more attractive, although I have quite a few hours experience with Diesel engines now. With a local instructor, I did some stalls and steep turns around Weatherby and Harrogate before returning for a landing on runway 14.

Having not flown for a couple of months, in mid March I took some instruction in our Piper Arrow and flew a couple of forced landing practices over the sea North of Fleetwood, getting really low over a sandbank, before flying away. I also did a stall recovery to refresh my skills for the summer ahead.

After much deliberation, I chose to renew my multi engine rating in May and did this over a couple of flights in one day in the Piper Seneca I have been flying for a few years now. June saw me fly our Arrow for three hours, which brings us up to date.

I've nothing firm planned yet for the next flight but I'll update the blog when I do.